Data & Samples
Core Samples and Data
IODP policy and guidelines ensure open and transparent access to samples and data from scientific ocean drilling for scientists, educators, museums, and outreach officers.
Data from IODP expeditions can be accessed via the expedition's science operator.
Scientific ocean drilling samples from DSDP, ODP and IODP are archived at repositories funded by each of the three drilling platform providers. Cores are assigned to the core stores in USA (GCR, Texas A&M University), Germany (BCR, Bremen University) and Japan (KCC, Kochi University) based on their ocean of origin.
Requests for samples must be submitted via the Sample and Data Requests Database (SaDR). Samples are distributed according to ODP and IODP policies. Final decisions regarding IODP sample distribution are made by a Curatorial Advisory Board. Please click here for further information on sample and data access and links to the IODP Sample, Data, and Obligations Policy.
Scientific Earth Drilling Information System (SEDIS) is the integrated data and publications portal initiated during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program 2003-2013 that continues into the International Ocean Discovery Program. It is now funded by ECORD and supported by MARUM. SEDIS allows users to search across source databases and aggregation of data sets from:
Post-moratorium data and metadata from all IODP and legacy program data systems (e.g., JANUS, LIMS, J-CORES, WDC-MARE/PANGAEA, Logging Database SSDB, etc.)
Publications and publications metadata from IODP/ODP/DSDP and the open literature related to scientific ocean drilling
Post-expedition data and metadata from post-cruise data capture projects and voluntarily submitted post-expedition data sets
IODP Site Survey Data Bank
The Site Survey Data Bank (SSDB) is the repository of digital site survey data submitted by IODP proponents in support of IODP proposals, expeditions and related activities, as well as some older site survey data for some ODP proposals and legs. Data submitted are for use within the drilling program. Many files are freely available, but proprietary holds requested by proponents are strictly maintained and are protected by the IODP policy on proprietary data.
Analog site survey data (e.g., paper plots) submitted in support of IODP, ODP and DSDP proposals and expeditions/legs are stored on site at the SSDB.

Image credit: IODP JRSO