Summer Schools
Since 2007 ECORD has sponsored several summer schools each year. These aim to educate early career scientists in marine-related sciences and to train a new generation to participate in future ocean drilling expeditions. These hugely successful events are attended by more than 100 scientists per year, from ECORD member countries and beyond.
ECORD Distinguished Lecturers
The ECORD Distinguished Lecturer Programme (DLP) is designed to bring the exciting scientific discoveries of IODP to geosciences communities in ECORD and non-ECORD countries. ESSAC appoints four Distinguished Lecturers (leading scientists involved with IODP) every two years, based on the four main thematic areas of IODP research defined in the IODP Science Plan.
If you are interested in hosting a Distinguished Lecturer at your institution please contact us!
Workshops providing early career scientists with training in writing drilling proposals are run in the UK approximately every three years. The last proposal-writing workshop took place in Jan-Feb 2021.
Details of future workshops will be available here and through the newsletter and mailing list closer to the time.