Moratorium Awards
Participation in an IODP Expedition is a prestigious opportunity and for many researchers it is a career-building experience. Each berth is a major investment by UK science of more than £300,000. Consequently, all UK participants are expected to make a substantial contribution to the scientific outputs of the expedition they are joining and support UK engagement in scientific ocean drilling. UK IODP Moratorium Awards support expedition participation and facilitate post-cruise research.
All UK-IODP expedition participants are required to:
notify the UK IODP Programme Manager and UK-IODP Knowledge Exchange Coordinator at the earliest opportunity, that they have been offered, and have accepted, a berth on an IODP expedition
submit a Moratorium Award application 3 months in advance of sailing
Failure to meet these requirements may result in less funding being available for a moratorium award due to budgetary constraints.
Moratorium Awards will combine funding to cover:
Expedition participant's costs for time on board ship or, for MSP participants only, during science parties
Travel and subsistence for travelling to/from expeditions, sampling parties and post-cruise meetings
Support for moratorium period research work to be carried out during the moratorium period directly post-cruise
Moratorium period research funding levels: Awards will be paid at 80% FEC, with maximum limits of:
Post-doctoral researcher: £50,000
Faculty scientists: £25,000
PhD students: £25,000
Co-Chief scientists: £80,000
The awarding of the upper funding limit is subject to affordability and cuts to funding requests may be made. Future revisions to the scheme and funding limits may be required subject to budgetary constraints.
Detailed guidance may be found on the NERC website:
For further questions please contact the Programme Manager at
Applications must be made through the JeS website
While COVID restrictions remain in force UK IODP is able to provide assistance to cover extra costs incurred as a result.
During this time expeditions are likely to run with reduced scientist numbers onboard and with extended Onshore Science Parties. Onshore Science Party participants who were part of the original Shipboard Science Party will still be eligible to apply for moratorium grant funding.
All participants will need to ensure their institutional insurance covers travel to and from the ship and or science party location, any pre-boarding testing processes and medical cover.
Please contact NERC ( for further information regarding additional support available and eligibility prior to submitting a grant application.
Image credit: Shuhao Xie & IODP JRSO