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For Teachers, Outreach Officers & Museums

For teachers...

Scientific Ocean Drilling is frontier exploration that has led to many important discoveries about our planet over the last 50 years, including:

Proving plate tectonics and continental break-up

Revealing 65 million years of Earth’s past climate history

Understanding meteorite impacts and mass-extinctions

Discovering life deep within the Earth’s crust

Ice cap growth and sea level changes

Understanding geohazards - earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis

Discovering hydrothermal vents and their unique inhabitants

the Structure and lifecycle of oceanic crust

Resources & Materials

The JOIDES Resolution website hosts a fantastic range of educational resources and materials tailored to the needs of educators:

Classroom Activities

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virtual Ship Tour

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The ECORD website provides information on opportunites for educators as well as outreach materials:

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Maps of Ocean Drilling

School of Rock Workshops for Teachers

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Youth Webinars from the Marine Studies Group (MSG)

Resources and events
Youth webinars

We are keen to adapt and develop resources for the UK curriculum as well as for museums and events.

If you are interested in working with us to this end please contact us!

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